Swiss Management is not acting as a discretionary asset manager but does have close contacts to many of the best Asset Managers in the market. The use of Investment Funds is the best way to diversify your fortune. There is a jungle of investment funds around with all kind of strategies. Important is therefore to decide your risk profile as some of these Funds work with derivative products and might speculate in high volatility or falling markets. You can use Funds as hedge for your otherwise conservative positions or speculate in the commodity markets, which is difficult with individual products.
Swiss Management will analyze your goals and visions and can then provide you with a list of Funds or managed accounts, that we consider interesting, so that you can choose, what matches best to your profile. Please be aware, that this service is only for existing clients. New clients will have to make a contract with us for us to support you including KYC, so that we can see, if you are considered a professional investor.
Swiss Management need to know your cashflow needs, your time horizon and your goal in terms of profit to put together the best matching portfolio for you. We need to know your opinion on commodities, emerging markets, start-ups, and Cryptocurrencies and most important, how much you can afford to lose, should the markets move against you. Diversification is everything and must match your views. Talk with us and let us show you the opportunities. All orders are made by you through your existing bank or with your asset manager.